Let’s get started!
The Office of Admission has made applying to Maumee Valley Country Day School as simple as possible. A completed online application actually starts our admission review process, which also includes your visit to campus, an assessment test for certain grades, and an in-person interview. Below are the admission requirements for each of our three divisions as well as for international students.
Begin the Inquiry Process
Ready to get started at Maumee Valley? Start the admission process today by completing this inquiry form
Application process for U.S. and international families
(學前班 - 三年級)
- Complete the online application
- Submit a copy of your child’s state-certified birth certificate or valid passport
- 您的招生主任會安排與低年級校長進行家庭面試。
- 您的招生主任會為您的孩子安排一次課堂參觀。幼兒園申請者的參觀時間為半天,一至三年級的申請者為一整天。(學前班和初級幼兒園的申請者可以選擇參觀。
- 在幼稚園到三年級的課堂訪問期間,一名教職員工會評估學生的數學、閱讀和寫作能力。
- 您的招生主任將就一年級至三年級申請人提交的其他檔與您聯繫。
- Complete the online application
- Submit a copy of your child’s state-certified birth certificate or valid passport
- 您的招生主任會安排與中學校長的家庭面談,併為學生安排全天的課堂訪問。
- 在課堂訪問期間,教職員工會評估學生的數學、閱讀和寫作能力。
- 您的招生主任將就要提交的其他檔與您聯繫。
- Complete the online application
- Submit a copy of your child’s state-certified birth certificate or valid passport
- 提交學校記錄和您當前學校的兩名教師推薦信
- 與您的招生團隊成員安排一個影子日
- 所有申請者將完成SSAT(中學入學考試)和品格技能快照。這將與您的招生團隊成員一起安排
International families
- Complete the online application
- 提交您孩子的護照複印件
- Submit school records and two teacher recommendations from your current school.
- 提交最新的 TOEFL、TOEFL Jr、Duolingo 或 SSAT 考試成績。
- 安排與您的招生主任進行虛擬面試。
- 如果被接受,請提交您的銀行對帳單副本以簽發 I-20。