What's Happening Around Campus

Campus Workday

Location: Maumee Valley Country Day School
Contact: Matt Ridel
We are excited to announce a community work day scheduled from 10 am to 4 pm. on Saturday, Apr. 6 (the rain date is Sunday, Apr. 7).  The building and grounds committee of the board of trustees and MV's incredible maintenance staff have selected campus improvement and beautification projects for us to work on. 
You can see the chosen projects and sign up for one that works for you and your family/group/partner/pal at THIS LINK. Please add your name(s) and any tools/equipment you could bring that day to the spreadsheet. Please contact Tim Foster if you have any questions about the day. Students are encouraged to sign up, LS and MS students need to be supervised by a family member. US students can volunteer and earn community service hours.
Thanks in advance to all those who can come to campus and help out! It is going to be a great time!
Maumee Valley Country Day School is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, co-educational, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.