What's Happening Around Campus

Global Leadership Program Speaker Series--Seksom Suriyapa

MV alumnus Seksom Suriyapa is Twitter’s Vice President of Corporate Development and Strategy, having worked there since 2018. Previously, he led strategy at SuccessFactors throughout critical stages in that company’s development, which saw its average revenue grow from $100 million to $1 billion. Along with his contributions at Akamai, notably in the move to cybersecurity, Suriyapa has throughout his career demonstrated remarkable skill at guiding companies in various sectors at stages anywhere from newly-developed to industry-leading. Therefore, GLP Speaker Series is pleased to welcome Seksom Suriyapa in sharing his experience at Twitter, his professional journey, and his thoughts on The Ripple Effect: The Power of One. This Q&A-style event will take place over Zoom on Wednesday, March 3rd, from 6 to 7 pm EST. 
Maumee Valley Country Day School is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, co-educational, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.