Four-Year Plan

11th Grade

What should students do in 11th grade?
Students need to take a challenging course load that speaks to their interests. They should utilize the Intensives thoughtfully, setting up internships or independent studies that will allow them to do hands-on work with mentors who will take an active interest in their progress. Students should make notable contributions to extracurricular activities.
What standardized tests will I be taking in 11th grade?
Students will take the PSAT again in October to qualify for National Merit recognition. They should plan to take the ACT and/or the SAT in the winter and should map out a schedule of test-taking and test preparation with the college counselor.

What should parents be doing to help?
  • Attend the 11th Grade Parents Night in January and the Financial Planning Night in February
  • Meet with the college counselor and their child to establish a preliminary college list
  • Plan tours of colleges on the preliminary list
  • Use the projected cost calculators on colleges’ websites
  • Read Colleges that Change Lives by Loren Pope.
What should be my goals for 11th grade?
Students should focus on leadership: serving in key roles in activities, athletics, and/or academics that reflect who they are and what they value. Students should look carefully at their preliminary college lists and study the schools that they feel are the best match.

What to do during the summer after 11th grade?
Students should challenge themselves in a manner that is “outside of the box”—get a job, go camping, start a blog, etc. In addition, students should follow through on established relationships from previous summer experiences and Intensives.
Maumee Valley Country Day School is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, co-educational, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.