What's Happening Around Campus

Upper School Fall Fest/Movie Night

Location: Anning Lawn
Along with the movie, we will have Mumford's chili, pumpkin decorating, and snacks (food will be $5, but the event is free).
Due to COVID-19, we need to set a capacity for the event, which means that we are asking everyone to RSVP here. Please only fill out the form if you intend on attending Fall Fest (note that if we reach the capacity, we will close the sign up).
If you are not signed up, we will not let you attend the event. Understand that the event will be socially distanced, and you will be expected to wear a mask unless you are eating.
Maumee Valley Country Day School is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, co-educational, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.